From NANO website
November is National Novel Writing Month. If you’re thinking about participating in
this for 2013, it’s time to get your act together.
Last year was the first time I entered the NANO and I
surprised myself at how easy it was to write 50,000 words in a month. It may seem daunting to you now, but if you
prepare before Nov 1, which is allowed (plot, character profiles, notes for
scenes, etc) you’ll be ready to hit the floor (keyboard) running on November 1. You need to write about 1666 words a day
every day in November to reach the goal, but you’ll find it’s easy to write
more than that if you stay focused and don’t get too distracted. If you’re on a roll, keep going.
The whole purpose here is to get you writing. There are no prizes, but you’ll get to post a
nice winner’s badge on your website or blog if you win (write 50,000 words).
It’s worth giving it a try.
Remember the word CAN'T isn’t in your vocabulary. And we’re only talking about a rough first
draft here, not a finished ready-to-be-published book. Turn your editor off and concentrate on
writing only. You can finish and polish
Stock up on plenty of snacks and easy to cook meals, so you
can keep writing. Turn off distractions
and let your imagination go.
There are links to lots of pep talks, tips, and writers
Good luck!