A big thank you to all of you have followed me and read my blog posts over the last year. I love all your comments and try to reciprocate by visiting your blogs as well. As a result, I’ve met a lot of nice people out there and read some interesting posts. I hope to do better about dropping by more often, but I always run out of time.
I’m not a big one for making new year’s resolutions because
it’s hard to keep any resolution and I don’t like to commit to something I
probably won’t do consistently, however, I will say that I’m trying to do
better with that way of thinking.
I’m going to try to write more than I do now. I’d like to finish the three books I have
started and get one of them published this year. It seems I’m always writing now, if you could
hear my husband talk, but sometimes it’s just email and blog posts.
I wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new
year. Keep that positive attitude and be
realistic about your goals. It’s easier
to find satisfaction that way and not disappoint yourself because you will get
there eventually.
If you’re celebrating, be careful on the road and get a
designated driver if you’re drinking.
Have fun and make merry with friends and family. Tomorrow’s a brand new day. Happy New Year everyone!