Even if winter isn't your favorite season
Summer tourists have long gone home
The swimming pool sits quiet and alone
Autumn colors adorn the trees
They scatter in a chilly breeze
Time for plants to take a rest
So summer blooms can be their best
Drag out the coats and bundle up for the cold winter nights
Out my window, the Earth is silent and quite a sight
The cold winds blow to sculpt the rocks
Better grab an extra spare of socks
Snows will come soon to cover the land
Wrapping up the red desert sand
Animals hibernate in their burrows ‘till spring
When again the birds will come to sing
I’m counting the days until the Earth warms again
And animals emerge once more from their den
The search for food will be on
As grass springs forth from winter’s lawn
My heart rejoices as warmer, longer days come
Thawing out, I’m no longer numb
With a spring in my step, the winter clothes can go
It’s sandals, tank tops and shorts, you can’t say no
New life has come to me along with the land
Time to wiggle my toes in the sand