Book Reviews and Writing Tips

Book Reviews and Writing Tips

Monday, November 29, 2010

Calling Authors Who Need Book Reviews

Listen up - all you author's out there. If you want a thorough, honest review of your book you'll be interested in this post. The following site does book reviews for indie authors, but the book must be published and available on Amazon. They don't take every genre either - but they do take most of them. You'll have to check the following link for all the details. The main thing here is to be patient and professional when you list your book. You'll need to give book title, author name, publisher, genre, page count, a short synopsis, a reason why your book should be picked for review and a link to the book on Amazon. Good luck everyone! Here's the link:

And remember, it takes awhile to get reviewed, but it's free and we all need reviews, right?

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