Book Reviews and Writing Tips

Book Reviews and Writing Tips

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ever Wish You Could Read With Your Eyes Closed?

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Of course, I know this can’t happen, but my eyes are so tired from staring at the monitor all day. If I’m not busy working on my book and doing blog posts, then I’m reading blogs and email, etc.

The last few nights I’ve been reading a great book that I can’t put down. Thank you for suggesting it, Lisa Fender. It is sitting here right now calling out to me, “Pick me up. I know you want to.” So tonight, this is what I’ll be doing again, reading until I can’t see straight.

In a few days, I’ll be posting a review for this book.

Keep writing everybody.


Arlee Bird said...

You can always listen to audio books. I used to listen to them in the car when I was on trips. Haven't gotten any in quite a while or taken trips for that matter. I enjoy listening to someone read to me.

Writers Workshop West

Sunni said...


That is a thought to remember when your eyes are tired. I love to read, but usually after a day on the computer, my eyes arent very happy.

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