Book Reviews and Writing Tips

Book Reviews and Writing Tips

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Becoming a more productive writer

This is definitely a new year’s resolution.  I was involved in a discussion a few days ago in a writing group on Linked In and this was the topic.

It got me to thinking how hard it is to actually sit down and write a book.  It takes a lot of tenacity and discipline, as well as using all the creativity you have down in there somewhere.

Non-writers probably don’t realize all the obstacles and challenges we face as writers.  There is always more to any endeavor you’re involved in than most people even contemplate, unless they’ve been there themselves.

I’m working on a mystery book that I hope I can finish this coming year.  I’ve been working on it since 2012, but not continually, or I would have it finished by now.  I’ve written two other books in between editing and rewriting this one.  My ultimate goal is to make this a mystery series.

My problem is I get involved in every writing competition or contest that comes around because I can’t resist entering.  In a way this is a good thing because it forces me to write something.  On the downside, it puts me behind on my current WIP.  But I look at it as a learning experience and I always feel like I get better at my craft because I participate in these things.  I guess there is always plenty of time to get all this work completed, or so I tell myself.

Susan Uttendorfsky started this discussion of being a productive writer and offered up a blog with help to keep you inspired and productive if you’re struggling, so I’m posting that link here for anyone who wants to read more.

What are your goals for 2015?

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